What is the Asatru Alliance?

The Asatru Alliance is a family oriented association of independent kindreds that practice a faith that originates before Christianity, and who agree to abide by the bylaws set forth at the annual governing council, the AlThing.

What separates the Asatru Alliance from other Asatru organizations?

There are three known facets of Asatru; universalist, tribal, and folkish. The Asatru Alliance is strictly tribal in nature. Anyone who displays the necessary amount of effort to learn, understand, and adopt the culture of the ancient heathens is welcome.

What is the Asatru Alliance stance on race and gender equality?

Please see the Alliance statement on race at https://www.asatru.org/2023statementonrace.pdf

What events does the Asatru Alliance host?

The Asatru Alliance hosts the annual AlThing every year in September. It is often held near Payson, AZ but has been in different locations in the past. Many member kindreds host their own events at various locations across the country. See our kindreds listing page for info on a kindred near you.

What is the benefit for kindreds for joining the Asatru Alliance?

The Asatru Alliance provides a community and structure to practitioners of the Asatru faith. Asatru is not meant to be practiced alone, and it can be difficult to get started and grow in the faith. The Alliance provides resources in the form of guidance and direction. Attendance at the annual AlThing will allow kindreds to network and grow closer together, just as our ancestors would have done. Together our voices may be loud enough to reach the ears of the gods.

How does a kindred join the Asatru Alliance? What is the process?

Three or more individuals of the Asatru community can band together and form a kindred and apply for membership in the Alliance. The Asatru Alliance Board of Directors will screen the kindred and if approved, the kindred will be granted Formational status. A Formational kindred must then send a delegate to the Thing to petition for Probational Kindred status. Probational Kindreds must attend a future AlThing and petition the Thing to attain Full Kindred status.